The fan recorded the artist performing in front of an audience for certain artists as he played out his “Ku Lo Sa” tune to excite the fans at the occasion.

Indeed, ordinarily, not all artists can utilize similar voice they use in recording their tunes while performing in front of an audience. Others attempt to keep up with similar vocal capacities yet others track down it extremely challenging to do as such.

Oxlade who is known to be quite possibly of the best performer in the Nigerian music industry stunned his fans after he neglected to keep up with a similar voice he utilized in recording his tune.

Elsewhere in the world, Nigerian vocalist, Peruzzi has given a convenient answer for a Nigerian understudy who professes to be abandoned in Morocco after he went to additional his schooling.

As indicated by the message the young fellow shipped off Peruzzi, they were brought to Morocco to additional their schooling in light of grants however sadly, they given was guaranteed them.

He expressed that the public authority in Nigeria vowed to pay for their convenience, and food and furnish them with anything they required however sadly, they were deserted and left to get by all alone.

He begged the vocalist to favor him with somewhat token to have the option to get himself food and furthermore pay for his lease before he is launched out and compelled to live in the city of Morocco.

Oxlade performing Ku Lol Sa

— ⭐ ❤️ (@only1_DADDYBOII) October 12, 2022

In light of his supplication, Peruzzi proposed to get the young fellow a cash to get back to his family and take a few strokes of sticks for confiding in the Nigerian government with his life and endurance.

This is to say that the public authority in Nigeria never follow through on their commitments regardless of how persuading they might sound.