FedEx Ground Vs FedEx Express Saver are both Courier services that operate in the United States. This courier service aims to provide customers with a seamless, affordable, and convenient shipping process. This article will individually consider both courier services, after which we will highlight their differences.

FedEx Express Saver

  The FedEx Express Saver courier service is a service that provides fast, affordable, and convenient deliveries to customers within three(3) days. This courier service delivers to certain states within the United States.

  FedEx Express Saver provides a medium through which customers can track their shipment and offers insurance and free packaging, all in a bid to cut out shipping expenses. There are a lot of factors that are put into consideration when determining the price of shipping a package. They are:

The weight of the package that is to be shipped. The location of the package delivery. The speed of delivery. The shipping distance.

This courier service works well for both residential and business deliveries. It also offers overnight deliveries to customers.

FedEx Ground 

  FedEx Ground is a low-cost courier service that delivers to virtually all states in the United States. The courier service is used to ship to businesses, both small and medium. This courier service also provides a medium through which customers can track their shipments.

  The courier service delivers within One(1) to five(5) or Seven(7) days depending on the location where the package is to be delivered. For example, if the delivery is from California to New York, it takes about five(5) business days. If it is from California to Washington, it takes about two(2) business days. The courier service cut out many shipping expenses to reduce the cost of shipping a package.

  There are a lot of factors that are put into consideration when determining the price of shipping a package; they are:

The weight of the package to be shipped. The destination of the package. The shipping distance.

Comparison Between FedEx Express Saver Vs FedEx Ground

FedEx Express Saver is a delivery service that takes about three(3) days to ship a customer package, while FedEx Ground takes about One(1) to five(5) or seven(7) days to ship a package. With this, we can say that FedEx Express Saver is faster than FedEx Ground. FedEx Express Saver courier service is much more costly than FedEx Ground. For example, delivery from New York to Chicago, shipping a package weighing 5 pounds with FedEx Express is $37. 15, while FedEx Ground is $15. 25. For a 5-pound package from Newyork to Los Angeles, it can cost about $87. 47 using Express saver and with FedEx Ground, the same service only costs $21. 21. Price is one significant difference between both couriers. FedEx Ground delivers to more states within the United States than the FedEx express saver, which only delivers within certain states in the United States. FedEx Express Saver ships more packages and offers both residential and business deliveries, unlike FedEx Ground which offers business deliveries from small to medium.

What Influences the Shipping Delivery Package of a Customer?

  Various factors can cause delays with a customer shipping on FedEx Express Saver and FedEx Ground, extending the package arrival beyond the designated time. 

Where the courier services are provided with the wrong shipping address, it could cause a delay in shipping. Where the courier services cannot find the shopping documentation of a package, it could cause a delay. Storms can also cause delays.


  Although both FedEx Express Saver and FedEx Ground are affordable, the prices differ. If you want cheaper shipping, FedEx Ground is advisable. However, if you want faster and more standard shipping, FedEx Express Saver is advisable. Any courier services a customer decides to go for will determine the price and speed of the package.

Do FedEx Express Saver and FedEx Ground run separately?

Answer: Although the same company owns both courier services, they run independently and separately from each other. The only thing that ties them together is the same sales team and the same call centre.

Are there regular shipping discounts available to customers? Especially those that regularly ship with FedEx Express Saver and FedEx Ground?

Answer: Yes, some programs offer discounts to customers such that the more that shipping a package, the more discount they have.

Between FedEx Express Saver and FedEx Ground which offers cheaper shipping?

Answer: Both courier services offer affordable shipping services, but FedEx Ground offers a cheaper shipping package to customers than FedEx Express Saver.

What are some crucial differences between FedEx Ground and FedEx Express?

Answer: The notable differences between FedEx Express and FedEx Express is in terms of price and speed of the delivery of packages. FedEx Express costs a lot more in terms of price as it delivers packages faster than FedEx Ground.