Fernando André Sabag Montiel pointed a pistol at the Argentine Vice President’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, 69, was tolerantly left unharmed after the gun failed simply crawls from her head, the country’s leader expressed. Many allies had assembled at the entry to de Kirchner’s home in Buenos Aires on Thursday night when a person compromised the legislator with a firearm.


Sensational film shows the man displaying a weapon simply creeps from her head as she welcomed the crowd. The frightened government official should be visible cringing and supporting her head as her security specialists overwhelmed the aggressor only seconds after he pressed the weapon.

President Alberto Fernandez said the weapon – which was quickly seized – had been stacked with five projectiles however stuck when shot. He said: “A man put a handgun at her head and pulled the trigger. ” Cristina is as yet alive on the grounds that, for reasons unknown yet to be demonstrated, the weapon didn’t discharge.”

The man – who criminal investigators have recognized as 35-year-old Fernando André Sabag Montiel from Brazilian – was caught in practically no time. Gina De Bai, an observer who was near the VP during the occurrence, told The Associated Press she heard the trigger being pulled.

She said she didn’t remember it was a pistol until the man was quelled by security faculty. Sergio Massa, the country’s financial aspects serve, considered the alarming episode an “endeavored death.” “When disdain and viciousness beat discourse, countries are obliterated and occasions like these emerge: endeavored death,” he tweeted.

What is his calling? Before that incedent As per an authority at the Security Ministry, who talked on state of namelessness, the weapon was a .32-type Bersa. The suspect, Montiel, is said to have a Nazi tattoo and via web-based entertainment have selfies with VIPs like media character Zulma Lobato and powerhouse La Chabona.

He has likewise been on Argentine TV, remembering a new meeting for the channel Cronica, in which he thrashed the Argentine government and Economy Minister Sergio Massa. Photographs have arisen of him wearing an enormous dark sun tattoo on his elbow.

fernando andré sabag montiel captured The dark sun, or sun wheel, is an image initially utilized by Nazi Germany and subsequently by neo-Nazis and is related with Nazi mystery.

President Fernandez called the homicide endeavor “the most perilous event since we recuperated majority rules system in 1983 after a tactical tyranny”. Previous President Mauricio Macri likewise denounced the occurrence.

— Paul Kikos (@PKikos) September 2, 2022

He expressed on Twitter: “This intense occasion merits an earnest and profound explanation by the legal and security powers.” De Kirchner is as of now in the main part of a debasement case and was coming from court when she came into contact with the group.

She is associated with being part in a plan to redirect public assets while she was president between 2007 to 2015. Examiners said de Kirchner could have to carry out upwards of 12 years in jail on the off chance that sentenced and a lifetime restriction from governmental issues. She has prevented all from getting the charges.